How a preschool teacher can design approaches for individual child

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     Children come with unique temperaments and personalities and we are fortunate to be able to serve them all.  I have learned that if we are flexible in inquiry and have the desire to help each child can learn.  Here are some approaches I have used to meet each child’s individual needs.

1.  Build a relationship with each child daily through speaking with them and learning what their interests are. Conversations can happen throughout the day when the child has shown cues such as a smile or initiating conversation with you.

2. Infuse or facilitate the child’s interests into your curriculum and or play.

3. Learn about the child’s family, culture to show respect for where they come from. A couple of examples are requesting for family photos and home community boards which can be shared in your class.

4. Listen and observe to authentically show interest in the child’s interest.

5. Always be nurturing, authentic and respectful wheninteracting with all your students.

I hope these tips help you as they have helped me support individual children’s needs and make learning fun.

Annette Serwanga, M.A.Ed