5 Ways teachers can help foster healthy social skills in the classroom

         As a teacher you have the responsibility of supporting young children learn the importance of social skills. Social skills along with social-emotional development are critical building blocks for young children to develop. The environment that you as the teacher create should promote good manners.  Such as speaking at eye level, showing respect, kindness and love. When children feel safe they thrive.  A teacher must “model” appropriate behavior.  As a teacher I learned that the way I treated my students in turn was the way they treated each other. Children mimic adults an and if we can continue to be consistent in kind, respectful exchanges our students will mimic this as well.  Here 5 strategies which teachers can use to help foster healthy relationships.

1. Read books in your classroom which talk about friendships here are some books you can use in your classroom.

“How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends” Jane Yolen &Mark Teague

“You Can Be Kind” Sarah Joseph

“You are friendly” Todd Snow

“Scared Squirrel makes a friend” Melanie Watt

2. Be calm. Use a calm tone when speaking to your students.

  If you get frustrated or triggered take some deep breaths and refocus if your administrator is available tell them you need a short break.

3. Ask if a child wants your help before you intervene.

   Example: “Do you want me to help you pick up the blocks you were using?”

4. Facilitate group activities.  Children can gain social skills from group activities which encourage working together.

5. Be specific when you give praise or comment on what a child is doing.  Example: That was kind of you to pick up Sophia after she fell down.

I hope these strategies help with your students while building their social skills. If you do try them out or have some strategies of your own I’d love to hear them. Please leave your comments below.:).

Annette Serwanga,M.A.Ed